Understanding Repeat Coursework and Aid Eligibility
Repeat Coursework and Aid Eligibility FAQs
- A student may receive federal financial aid when repeating a course that was previously failed.
- A student may receive federal financial aid to repeat a previously passed course (with a D- or better, including CR grade) one additional time, whether or not a student received federal financial aid for an earlier enrollment of the course.
- Once a student has completed any course twice and earned a passing grade (with a D- or better, including CR grade) they are no longer eligible to receive federal financial aid for that course.
- If a student retakes a course that is no longer eligible for financial aid, the units are excluded from the total enrollment and the student’s financial aid will be adjusted to exclude these units.
- All repeated courses are counted as attempted units for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Applicants.
For financial aid, any grade higher than an “F” is considered a passing grade or demonstrates that the student successfully completed the course.
NOTE: This is regardless of any university or major program policy requiring a higher grade or measure for academic purposes.
- Passing grades are: “A (+/-)”, “B (+/-)”, “C (+/-)”, “D (+/-)”, “CR” (Credit) or “Pass”
- Not passing grades are: “NC” (No Credit), “I,” “W,” “WU,” “WX," "F”
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships does not determine if a student may repeat a class, only if the student is eligible for federal financial aid for the repeated class(es). Cal Poly Pomona’s academic repeat policy is different from the federal financial aid repeat regulations.
Academic Policies surrounding course repetition can be found in the University Catalog and through the Office of the Registrar.
Course Examples | 1st Class Attempt | 2nd Class Attempt |
3rd Class Attempt | Would 3rd Attempt be Eligible for Federal Financial Aid? |
Example 1 | F | D | Enrolled | Yes (student passed course one time, eligible for 3rd attempt). |
Example 2 | D | C | Enrolled | No (student passed course twice, not eligible for 3rd attempt). |
Example 3 | D | F | Enrolled | No (student passed course first attempt, on the second attempt they failed, no longer eligible for federal financial aid on 3rd attempt). |
Example 4 | W | F | Enrolled | Yes (student has not yet passed course, the 3rd attempt is eligible for federal financial aid). |
Example 5 | F | F | Enrolled | Yes (student has not yet passed course, the 3rd attempt is eligible for federal financial aid). |
Once a course can no longer be counted within your enrollment for federal financial aid purposes, the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships will adjust your financial aid accordingly and will send you a notification email regarding the adjustment. This must be done regardless of the reason(s) you might be continuing to repeat the course:
- Even if you are required to retake a class to meet major/program GPA requirements.
- Even if you have a personal desire to receive an improved grade
We understand that this rule may seem unfriendly to the academic career of a student. However, the rule is part of the federal student aid regulations and there is no appeal process.
If you are repeating a course, you have the option to change your enrollment through the end of the Add period.
- Check with your department or Academic Advisor to see if there is a different class you can take.
- If you do repeat a course, and have exhausted your aid eligibility for that course, the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships will adjust your financial aid accordingly and will send you a notification email regarding the adjustment
- Adjustments may result in the repayment of aid that was already released. You will be notified regarding repayment of aid, if any, owed due to repeated coursework.